A gap year is a designated period, usually lasting for a year, where individuals take a break from their formal education or career to engage in alternative experiences. It presents an opportunity to accumulate valuable life experiences, explore personal interests, and cultivate new perspectives before committing to higher education or professional pursuits. Gap year programs exist to provide structured avenues for individuals to optimize their time during this break. These programs offer a diverse range of experiences tailored to different interests and objectives. Whether it involves volunteering abroad,  learning a new language, or participating in outdoor adventures, there are numerous gap year options available to cater to a variety of passions and aspirations.

Global Educational Concepts – GEC (www.gecexchanges.com) is a proud member of the Southwestern Family of Companies (www.southwestern.com), founded in 1855. We have been a designated sponsor of the U.S. Department of State’s cultural exchange programs for more than 20 years. Each year we help thousands of individuals from around the globe safely participate in U.S. cultural exchange and global student travel programs.

At GEC, we strive to provide the best possible service and support to the young people who participate in our programs, while adhering to the regulations that govern these programs. Our mission is to help young people develop the skills and character they need to achieve their goals in life.

All GEC students are subject to Essential Eligibility Criteria (EEC). You can read our EEC here.

Each program provided by GEC includes different components, like physical challenges, outdoor adventures, and service learning projects. These programs are thoughtfully designed to push your boundaries and offer a profound and enriching experience. By incorporating a range of activities, our programs enable students to explore unique subjects and form a deep bond with the world around them. We recommend thoroughly reviewing the program descriptions and sample itineraries for the programs you’re interested in and selecting the one that sparks your enthusiasm!

If you’re finding it tough to make a decision, we suggest reaching out to us for personalized guidance on selecting the perfect semester.

Yes, you can! We embrace cultural exchange and diversity and are always happy to work with participants from around the world. Please remember that different visa requirements may apply to non-U.S. citizens.  Also see  ”Do I need a passport or visa?” .

No. Prior language study is not required to join GEC programs.

Of course! We value cultural diversity and welcome participants from all corners of the globe. Just keep in mind that there may be different visa regulations for non U.S. Citizens. Also, check out the information on “Passport and Visa Requirements.”

Our smallest group consists of 8 students while our largest group can have up to 14 students. Each program provided by GEC, with a student count between 8 and 14, is overseen by two instructors. For ensuring safety and quality instruction, we work closely with local guides and skilled partners for service and educational activities, along with exciting adventures like rafting, surfing, sailing and SCUBA diving.


You can submit your application at any time. We review applications in the order they are received, accepting them up to three weeks before the program begins. Typically, our gap programs fill up 3-4 months prior to their start dates. If a program reaches full capacity, you can choose to join a waiting list or be considered for enrollment in another program that still has openings.

Prospective participants who wish to join the GEC Gap Year program must meet the minimum Essential Eligibility Criteria, which is necessary for participation. The program’s admission policy is non-discriminatory and does not consider factors such as race, color, gender identity or expression, religion, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, age, or disability.

Please see the Enrollment Process page for details.

The program fee covers accommodation, meals as specified, transportation, group activities and internal flights mentioned in the itinerary (excluding flights to and from the starting and ending points of the program). Taxes are included in the advertised fee. The payment also includes various services provided by GEC before the program begins, such as research, planning, hiring and training staff for summer programs, as well as offering information to participants and their parents. While we aim to stick to the published program schedule, travel arrangements may require flexibility, leading to possible variations in the final itinerary due to factors beyond our control like availability. We retain the right to adjust routes, schedules or substitute services like hotels or activities of similar quality at our discretion. If any activities are missed after departure without fault on GEC’s part, we will strive to offer a replacement of similar quality but do not provide refunds for missed activities. Please be aware that we do not provide a breakdown of individual components within the program fee.

The tuition fees mentioned for the program do not include costs for air travel to and from the program, internal flights within the program (unless otherwise specified), expenses for passports or visas, mandatory testing (including Covid 19 tests) before, during or after the program, airport departure taxes, luggage fees, meals that are not explicitly mentioned as part of the package, extra charges for specific courses, personal snacks, laundry services and activities that are not outlined in the program schedule.

No, the program fees do not include airfare to and from the program.


Safety is the most important aspect at GEC. Our safety guidelines act as a roadmap for our activities, aiming to safeguard the welfare of everyone involved. We regularly review and enhance our procedures to align with evolving situations and industry standards, providing a safe and enjoyable journey for all.

Please click here to read our  Safety Standarts .

The health and safety of our travelers is our top priority. We have detailed emergency response plans in place that outline how we handle different situations. Our travelers can reach out to our 24/7 emergency support team and have access to emergency contact numbers. GEC has a team of pediatricians, orthopedic surgeons, and infectious disease experts on standby to assist families in times of need. If someone needs medical attention at a clinic or hospital, we stay in constant communication with them and their families, providing updates and assistance throughout the program.

We offer advice on necessary vaccinations, travel insurance, and access to medical facilities. Additionally, we promote healthy habits and provide resources for mental well being to ensure a comprehensive approach to traveler safety.

Please click here to read our Health Protocols .

Certainly, we can make adjustments for students with dietary restrictions. If you have any medical or dietary needs that could be risky during a program, like a severe allergy, our risk management team will collaborate with you to select the best program and create a detailed risk management strategy tailored to your requirements. Feel free to reach out to us so we can start discussing your individual needs.


Our instructors are experienced professionals who prioritize safety and possess the required expertise to handle emergencies. They participate in a comprehensive training regimen covering areas such as first aid, emergency preparedness and risk assessment to aptly address unexpected circumstances. Crucially, they excel in interpersonal communication, establishing rapport with students and cultivating a supportive group environment. They are known for their organizational skills, practical approach, amiable demeanor and careful attitude to minimize potential hazards.

We rely on up to date risk alerts from global sources to stay ahead of potential dangers and gather the necessary details to enhance our emergency response strategies and protect our participants during challenging situations. If we detect increased risks in a specific region, we take prompt action by adjusting routes, modifying itineraries, rescheduling or even canceling the program. Please click here to find out more about our Safety Standarts .

During the program, it is your duty to manage and take your medications. If there’s a risk of losing your medication causing issues, your program instructors may carry an extra supply as a precaution.


GEC provides basic travel insurance coverage for all participants enrolled in programs outside the United States. The cost of this insurance is included within the program fee. This policy is intended to supplement any existing private insurance and provide coverage specific to travel abroad. Detailed information regarding the specific coverage details will be emailed to participants prior to departure.

While GEC provides basic travel insurance, we strongly recommend that participants consider purchasing additional coverage for medical expenses, evacuation, trip cancellation/interruption, baggage loss/damage, accidents/illness, and any other relevant areas. It is essential for participants to thoroughly review the provided policy information and determine if additional coverage is necessary or desired.

When traveling internationally, every student must possess a valid passport. It’s crucial that your passport’s expiration date extends at least six months past your journey’s end. If you don’t have a passport yet, we highly recommend applying for one promptly. Typically, it takes around six weeks for passport applications to be processed.

Certain destinations may also necessitate a visa. GEC offers thorough guidance and details to assist you in obtaining the necessary visas. Should you hold a passport from a country other than the United States, please reach out to GEC to go over the specific visa requirements applicable to your circumstances.

Your tuition covers all activities, accommodation and meals. But we recommend having about $15 to $20 per day for additional expenses like meals not covered, laundry, Wi Fi, snacks, souvenirs and gifts.

Whether you need a visa or not depends on where you’re from and where you’re planning to go. GEC will provide guidance for American citizens if a visa is required. Just keep in mind that it’s your responsibility to meet the visa requirements and GEC can’t promise that you’ll get a visa. Non-US students should do their own research and follow the visa rules of both their home country and the country they’re going to visit.

Participants are encouraged to bring their cell phones, which can help with security, communication and also serve as cameras, alarms, flashlights and music players. However, it’s important for participants to avoid using their phones during group activities, mealtimes, volunteering sessions and other specified times to fully engage in the social experience and maximize their interactions.

The Limited Technology Use Policy is in place to provide guidelines and expectations around technology usage for participants in GEC programs. The goal of this policy is to ensure that participants have meaningful experiences, personal growth opportunities and immerse themselves culturally during their gap year. By limiting technology use, we hope to promote face to face interactions, encourage introspection and foster a deeper connection with the world around us.

Please click here to find out more about our Limited Technology Use Policy


You should approach the program with a positive mindset, show excitement for group activities (as you will collaborate closely with your fellow group members), be ready to push your boundaries both physically and mentally and embrace new opportunities. It’s important to follow the Program Rules and Expected Behavior guidelines. These guidelines detail the behavior expected from all participants (students, staff and chaperones) during every GEC Gap Program.

Please click here to find out more about our  Student Policies..

GEC enforces a stringent stance against drug consumption, encompassing illegal substances, narcotics, non medical use of prescription drugs and legal but prohibited substances in the home or host nation. This policy extends to tobacco, cannabis and natural highs as well. Moreover, the consumption of alcohol for recreational purposes is strictly forbidden at any point throughout the program due to the significant safety risks it poses to students and potential disruption of group activities. Should a student be found engaging in the use, purchase or possession of any of these substances, they will be promptly sent back home at their own expense without eligibility for refunds.

GEC has a strict policy that prohibits students participating in any GEC program from buying, having or using tobacco products as per the “Tobacco 21” law. This includes cigarettes, smokeless tobacco and vape pens/e cigarettes. The use of marijuana is also not allowed and anyone found breaking these rules will be immediately expelled. Those who violate this policy will need to cover all expenses for their return home and no refunds will be given. Students are informed about this policy during enrollment and GEC staff ensures that it is followed.

At GEC, we focus on ensuring that our accommodations are comfortable, clean and safe. The options for accommodation can vary from simple guesthouses with shared amenities to charming hotels, countryside lodges, hostels or cottages. In some of our GEC programs, students might even stay in tents at designated campsites equipped with bathrooms and showers.

Our students have various chances to connect with their loved ones. However, we’ve set some rules regarding technology use to ensure active participation and presence. Students can use their personal devices during specific times, which will be communicated in advance by the instructors. It’s important for students to follow these guidelines and limit their device usage accordingly.

Most accommodations have WiFi except when we’re on expeditions or service projects. In the evenings, you can go online to keep in contact with friends and family members. Outside of these times, it’s best to use your device only for taking photos so you can fully engage and participate actively during the journey.

Please be aware that some placements may be in remote areas where WiFi is limited or unavailable. In such situations, there might be periods of 7-10 days where direct communication with friends and family isn’t possible. If any issues arise while abroad, program leaders will reach out to families through GEC headquarters. Families can also get in touch with GEC if they need to convey urgent information to their student on site.

The transportation to and from each destination is an integral part of the experience. We use different types of transportation like buses, vans, trains, planes, ferries and sometimes smaller vehicles or boats, particularly when we’re off the beaten path. Our transportation is arranged through trusted local partners who have been chosen for their expertise and professionalism.